
Software - Opera Install Problem Fixed

Mike Shepard - 29.05.2006, 04:13 Uhr
Titel: Opera Install Problem Fixed
Opera for debian install doesn't allow opera to load due to an error in the new version. I still think firefox is best, but I do use Opera for testing purposes. Anywayz here is the fix:

Get the .deb from http://www.opera.com/download/

Install it with "dpkg -i opera*"

It's currently missing the operamotifwrapper-3 plugin so install it with "apt-get install libmotif3"

Then redo the back link with:

cd /usr/bin
rm opera
ln -s /usr/lib/opera/8.54*/opera

and you should be golden. Enjoy Smilie

(the *'s are incase you get a different version, so to make sure it works for everyone)

craigevil - 30.05.2006, 06:08 Uhr
Titel: RE: Opera Install Problem Fixed
Hm all I did was download and use kpackage to install Opera 8.5. I used klik to get Opera 9beta.

Opera gets used like one a week. Firefox rules.
h2 - 31.05.2006, 03:38 Uhr
Titel: RE: Opera Install Problem Fixed
To be clear, this is what you need to do to fix the opera path problem after reinstalling it, or installing it if you are doing that for the first time now::

root@Box:# rm /usr/bin/opera
rm: remove symbolic link `/usr/bin/opera'? y
root@Box:# ln -s /usr/lib/opera/8.54-20060330.6/opera /usr/bin/opera

as Mike notes, replace the exact opera version directory number with the one you have. Why Opera can't get their deb stuff right is beyond me.
anticapitalista - 31.05.2006, 11:10 Uhr
Titel: RE: Opera Install Problem Fixed
Which .deb of opera are you using?
When I used the debian sid version, I had problems when upgrading xorg. I had to remove opera so apt could finish.
I now use the static version and so far all is ok.
h2 - 31.05.2006, 22:20 Uhr
Titel: RE: Opera Install Problem Fixed
that opera problem is another one, older, that was caused by an unnecessary opera file in /usr/X11/bin, removing the file allowed dist-upgrade to proceed, and x to upgrade, since x removed that /bin directory and replaced it with a symbolic link. The presence of the opera file in it stops debian from removing bin.

Opera really needs to get their a##es in gear if they want to play in the debian world, otherwise they should just release a zipped package like firefox offers for linux. This is the second significant conflict in debian sid opera, it's getting old.
anticapitalista - 01.06.2006, 01:22 Uhr
Titel: RE: Opera Install Problem Fixed
Yeah I agree, but it seems to be a problem with the debian version and not the "static" version. No idea why though.
aYie28 - 19.06.2006, 09:26 Uhr
Titel: RE: Opera Install Problem Fixed
I wonder why when i want to print using opera, there is no printer to be select in the print menu box......I can print using other software like mozilla, Konqueror, ofiice and more....
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