
General Support - Update on a remote machine?

vilde - 08.06.2006, 19:37 Uhr
Titel: Update on a remote machine?
Im having my remote machine working without monitor, mouse or keyboard. I'm runing it by VNC and NX. If I want to dist-upgrade, how do I do? The only way I can think of is doing it over ssh. I stop the vncserver, log in with ssh, do su and then the upgrade, I'm trying this right now. Is this the right way to do it or is there a better way?
mzilikazi - 09.06.2006, 01:18 Uhr
Titel: Re: Update on a remote machine?
vilde hat folgendes geschrieben::
The only way I can think of is doing it over ssh. I stop the vncserver, log in with ssh, do su and then the upgrade, I'm trying this right now. Is this the right way to do it or is there a better way?

What could be better than secure access and a command line? You have arrived at nirvana. Winken Obviously if you reboot you run the risk of the box not booting correctly (new kernel for example) then you're hosed.
vilde - 09.06.2006, 13:44 Uhr
I tryed and it failed, so I had to bring the computer in and connect everything. It didn't boot alright and network never started. Then I repared the old installation with the Kanotix cd and tryed to do the update again with keyboard and everything but the same happend again. Maybe it's to late to do dist-upgrade now on a fresh easter edition? I read somewhere that if it's to long between the updates it's more likely to be wrong. Now I will keep to the easter edition without update on my remote machine until there will be a new relese.

But I think the update via ssh shall work if it's possible to do a update, now something else failed.
slh - 09.06.2006, 14:24 Uhr
Kernel >= 2.6.15 required for new udev (and udev is complaining loud enough), additionally you might want to list your needed NIC module explicitly in /etc/modules in case udev fails (and make sure that the netowrk interfaces is stable over several reboots).
vilde - 09.06.2006, 16:54 Uhr
This last reply is to complicated for my linuxeperience. As I understand I need to upgrade kernel first and the rest I don't know about. Probably I shall not do dist-upgrade on my main computer either.
I think we are out of topic here because this is now about going on doing dist-upgrades on all machines not remote ones. I keep my working easter edition without doing any update as I wrote before.
vilde - 09.07.2006, 13:10 Uhr
So now I upgraded my remote machine via ssh and used h2:s script and everything worked except when I now run the remote machine with vnc (as normaly do), (nx is to slow) the remote machine has the wrong, to small dispaly size. How do I correct that?
vilde - 09.07.2006, 13:37 Uhr
I found the solution myself, "vncserver -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16" Probaly there is a way to change this in a configuration file but i don't know which.
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