
General Support - A session log for troubleshooting?

nish - 10.07.2006, 04:35 Uhr
Titel: A session log for troubleshooting?
I am running 2005-4 pretty well, but just had a strange hiccup. Was browsing internet (no Flash or anything like that) and the monitor went black except for a non-blinking cursor in upper left hand corner.

I have a feeling something is going hardware-wise. Is there any session log that might give me an idea what happened?

I ended up hitting the reset button since there was nothing on the screen and I couldn't think of what else to do.
schnorrer - 10.07.2006, 06:06 Uhr
Titel: A session log for troubleshooting?
if you can access th KBD with ctrl-alt-F2 or so, you get a text-konsole. login and under /var/log youthan find all the actual logs. error.log is still what you need.
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