
Software - install flash player plugin

TheOne - 08.06.2010, 23:54 Uhr
Titel: install flash player plugin
To install the flash player plugin you have to do the following step

open a shell and type as USER

Tejas - 08.06.2011, 22:11 Uhr
Thanx. I looked day before yesterday and found nothing other than reference to gnash which I tried, but unsuccessfully. I'll give it a go. Ausrufezeichen
couple of moments later
But does not seem to work with Konqueror Traurig Also went to Settings & Activated 'Scan for plugins'
coyotl - 26.06.2011, 00:34 Uhr
didnt know about that script. afraid i went to synaptic and installed flash-plugin-nonfree..
-so what terrible things has that done to my system?
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