
Software - kanotix32-silverfire, screen display goes blank

bobS - 21.11.2019, 18:50 Uhr
Titel: kanotix32-silverfire, screen display goes blank
hello, i installed "kanotix32-silverfire-nightly-KDE.iso" on a Toshiba laptop two weeks ago. everything is working fine, except sometimes the screen display shuts and no action can lit it again. it's a software issue because when i start the windows vista there would be no dark screen at all. any help or fix would be appreciated. bob
bobS - 16.12.2019, 03:31 Uhr
update: problem SOLVED! after a couple of more black screens, the issue has been solved by itself. have not seen the black screen for the past three weeks. don't know absolutely how it was fixed.
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