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Titel: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2006, 16:09 Uhr

Anmeldung: 27. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 91


I have three rather basic questions:

1) can I restore just ONE application from the Kanotix CD? Kano and others have recently explained to me that I can restore a full HD install of Kanotix by simply making an 'update' from the hd install menu and all my original Kanotix aps would be restored to their original condition and my configuration could be saved. But can I do that with only ONE application? I am asking this since only have dial-up and reinstalling, say, KDE with APT is not an option for me. It would be great if I could do it locally with the Kanotix CD.

2) On my KDE desktop I 'lost' the small applet with the four desktops which usually sits at the bottom left side of the screen. I think that it is called 'pager'. How can I get it back? I look at the various config menus but I did not find this one.

3) how do I remove an application installed by Kanotix? I tried removing pycrust and pyshell, but here is what I got:

root@KanotixBox:/home/veesi# which pyshell
root@KanotixBox:/home/vees# apt-get remove pyshell
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package pyshell
root@KanotixBox:/home/vees# which pycrust
root@KanotixBox:/home/vees# apt-get remove pycrust
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package pycrust

When I tried apt-get remove --purge got the same results.

How do I cleanly get rid of these two aps?

Many thanks!


Motto: chown -R linux:GNU world
Distros: Debian, Kanotix, Frenzy, Damn Small Linux
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Titel: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2006, 16:45 Uhr
Team Member
Team Member

Anmeldung: 17. Dez 2003
Beiträge: 1109
Wohnort: Ganymede
vees hat folgendes geschrieben::

I have three rather basic questions:

1) can I restore just ONE application from the Kanotix CD? Kano and others have recently explained to me that I can restore a full HD install of Kanotix by simply making an 'update' from the hd install menu and all my original Kanotix aps would be restored to their original condition and my configuration could be saved. But can I do that with only ONE application? I am asking this since only have dial-up and reinstalling, say, KDE with APT is not an option for me. It would be great if I could do it locally with the Kanotix CD.

You'd have to boot the live cd use dpkg-repack to recreate the .deb PLUS any of the dependencies that said package relies on. Can you not just use apt? I mean if it's only one application......

3) how do I remove an application installed by Kanotix? I tried removing pycrust and pyshell, but here is what I got:

Well to find out which package provides pyshell & pycrust:
dpkg -S pyshell

So if you want to remove all of the python-wx* stuff there you go.

We'll wait for a KDE user to chime in on the taskbar/pager question.

Ubuntu - An ancient African word for "Can't install Debian"
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Titel: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2006, 16:54 Uhr

Anmeldung: 21. Jun 2006
Beiträge: 193
Wohnort: Switzerland
vees hat folgendes geschrieben::

On my KDE desktop I 'lost' the small applet with the four desktops which usually sits at the bottom left side of the screen. I think that it is called 'pager'. How can I get it back? I look at the various config menus but I did not find this one.

Right-click on the panel (where it's empty) to open the panel's context menu, select "add applet to panel" to get the list of installed applets, select "desktop preview and pager", confirm the selection / addition (by clicking on "add to panel") and have fun Winken

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Titel: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2006, 18:51 Uhr

Anmeldung: 27. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 91

thanks guys for covering all my questions - I really appreciate it!

i just wonder why I need to use dpkg to remove an application - why does APT not see it and therefore cannot remove it?

Kind regards,


Motto: chown -R linux:GNU world
Distros: Debian, Kanotix, Frenzy, Damn Small Linux
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Titel: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2006, 18:57 Uhr
Team Member
Team Member

Anmeldung: 06. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 3087
Wohnort: berlin
the packages you want to remove are no packages, but part of a package. so apt sees only the package they are in. dpkg -S pyshell dont remove it, it just shows you what the real package is, so you can apt-get remove it.


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Host/Kernel/OS "devilsbox" running[2.6.19-rc1-git5-kanotix-1KANOTIX-2006-01-RC4 ]
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Titel: Re: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2006, 20:07 Uhr
Team Member
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Anmeldung: 17. Dez 2003
Beiträge: 1109
Wohnort: Ganymede
vees hat folgendes geschrieben::
thanks guys for covering all my questions - I really appreciate it!

i just wonder why I need to use dpkg to remove an application - why does APT not see it and therefore cannot remove it?

Kind regards,


Well devil explained that already but apt is just a frontend for dpkg. Winken

Ubuntu - An ancient African word for "Can't install Debian"
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Titel: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2006, 20:12 Uhr

Anmeldung: 27. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 91

Hi devil,

Thanks for the explanation. I did dpkg -S pyshell and here is what I got:

dpkg -S pyshell
python-wxgtk2.6: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/lib/pyshell.py
libwxgtk2.4-1-python: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx/lib/pyshell.py
wxpython2.4-1: /usr/bin/pyshell
python-wxgtk2.6: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wxPython/lib/pyshell.py
wxpython2.4-1: /usr/share/man/man1/pyshell.1.gz
libwxgtk2.4-1-python: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wxPython/lib/pyshell.py

What I am really trying to do totally reinstall pyshell and pycrust from the Debian sources because the version coming on Kanotix has problems (it cannot load a file nor can it save one). So I want to 1) totally get rid of these packages/applications and then apt-get install them form the Debian repositories.

What would be the best way to do that?

#apt-get install --reinstalll wxpython
be the right approach?



Motto: chown -R linux:GNU world
Distros: Debian, Kanotix, Frenzy, Damn Small Linux
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Titel: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2006, 21:05 Uhr
Team Member
Team Member

Anmeldung: 06. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 3087
Wohnort: berlin
you could try that, but, as there are still problems with python, you should wait a bit, till this gets fixed.


<<We are Xorg - resistance is futile - you will be axximilated>>

Host/Kernel/OS "devilsbox" running[2.6.19-rc1-git5-kanotix-1KANOTIX-2006-01-RC4 ]
CPU Info AMD Athlon 64 3000+ clocked at [ 803.744 MHz ]
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Titel: Re: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2006, 21:36 Uhr

Anmeldung: 27. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 91

devil28 hat folgendes geschrieben::
there are still problems with python, you should wait a bit, till this gets fixed.

really? why part are you refferring to? Python itself, wxpython, the pycrust/pyshell packages or the wxpython.deb package? could you tell me more?



Motto: chown -R linux:GNU world
Distros: Debian, Kanotix, Frenzy, Damn Small Linux
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Titel: Re: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 14.07.2006, 02:45 Uhr
Team Member
Team Member

Anmeldung: 17. Dez 2003
Beiträge: 1109
Wohnort: Ganymede
vees hat folgendes geschrieben::

What I am really trying to do totally reinstall pyshell and pycrust from the Debian sources because the version coming on Kanotix has problems (it cannot load a file nor can it save one).

Please drop the "Kanotix has crappy packages and nobody cares" nonsense already. If you would slow down and pay attention you'd see where these packages come from!
apt-cache policy python-wxgtk2.6

Who's your daddy?

If you have an issue with a package file a bug report. Kanotix is based on Debian Sid. Some packages are rebuilt by the Kanotix team sure but not all of them! Furthermore, you seem to feel that something is owed to you by Kanotix because your pyshell binaries don't work.

Get the source, compile it yourself, and see if you can do any better than the Debian packager has done.

Ubuntu - An ancient African word for "Can't install Debian"
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Titel: Re: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 14.07.2006, 13:52 Uhr

Anmeldung: 27. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 91

mzilikazi hat folgendes geschrieben::

Please drop the "Kanotix has crappy packages and nobody cares" nonsense already. If you would slow down and pay attention you'd see where these packages come from!

I am here to get advice on how to deal with a package, not to hear sermons from you about how I dare not imply that a package included in Kanotix might be the cause of any problem. If you have a problem with that - ignore my posts, but please save me your self-righteous indignation.

mzilikazi hat folgendes geschrieben::

Who's your daddy?

If you have an issue with a package file a bug report. Kanotix is based on Debian Sid. Some packages are rebuilt by the Kanotix team sure but not all of them!

Judging by your antics, its not like you are unaware of this:

http://www.kanotix.com/index.php?name=P ... 733#106733

mzilikazi hat folgendes geschrieben::

Furthermore, you seem to feel that something is owed to you by Kanotix because your pyshell binaries don't work.

Kanotix is a distribution, not a person, hence it cannot owe me anything. When I ask a question, nobody has to answer anything either. Some, like devil28 choose to do so, others don't. Nobody owes anything to anyone. Come to think about it that is not quite true: since you are a 'team member' of Kanotix I owe you thanks for helping put together a fantastic distribution! And that I sincerely do. But my deepest thanks for this do not imply that I have to silently put up with your attitude without also speaking my mind honestly so I will put it bluntly: since you are contributing *nothing* to this thread, why bother? Keep your offended indignation for yourself, ok?

mzilikazi hat folgendes geschrieben::
Get the source, compile it yourself, and see if you can do any better than the Debian packager has done.

That would be great advice if I had not already contacted the package manager and established that this approach if futile.

To recap - I am NOT discussing the merits Kanotix packages (which, BTW, I or anyone else is free to do!). I am only trying to figure out how to reinstall two of them (or any other package) from a respository. This is a purely technical issue which should not include discussing personalites/attitudes. I do not question your rather idiotic translation of the word 'Ubuntu' (made even more bizzare coming from somebody contributing to a distro which owes its existance to, and totally depends for its future on, Debian) and I ask you to equally refrain from telling me what I should or should not do.

It is clear that you think my attitude sucks - and that feeling is very much mutual. Now that we have both spoken our minds, let's come back to any techincal issues we chose to discuss. You know - live and let live. Deal?



Motto: chown -R linux:GNU world
Distros: Debian, Kanotix, Frenzy, Damn Small Linux
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Titel: Re: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 14.07.2006, 16:27 Uhr
Team Member
Team Member

Anmeldung: 17. Dez 2003
Beiträge: 1109
Wohnort: Ganymede
vees hat folgendes geschrieben::

I am here to get advice on how to deal with a package, not to hear sermons from you about how I dare not imply that a package included in Kanotix might be the cause of any problem. If you have a problem with that - ignore my posts, but please save me your self-righteous indignation.

Please read the Debian weekly news You will see that the python packages have not completed their transition.

To recap - I am NOT discussing the merits Kanotix packages (which, BTW, I or anyone else is free to do!). I am only trying to figure out how to reinstall two of them (or any other package) from a respository.

The packages used in Kanotix are Debian packages. I do not know how to make this any clearer. This includes your python-wx* packages. Reinstalling them is useless since you will be installing the same packages again. Some Debian packages are (re)built by the Kanotix team yes but not all of them. You seem to feel that pyshell is so important that it should also be rebuilt by the Kanotix team. Sorry but it just isn't a priority.

I do not question your rather idiotic translation of the word 'Ubuntu' (made even more bizzare coming from somebody contributing to a distro which owes its existance to, and totally depends for its future on, Debian)

We have a huge difference here.
Can you use Debian repositories on Ubuntu? No

Can you use Debian repositories on Kanotix? Yes


Kanotix IS Debian Sid with a few extra goodies. Ubuntu has forked Debian so badly that they can't even maintain compatibility between their own Ubuntu versions let alone compatibility with Debian. I won't continue the conversation about Ubuntu any further. If you don't like my sense of humor don't read my sig.

I encourage you to bootstrap your own Debian installation and see where the problem really lies with pyshell. It takes only 1 floppy disk Winken

Ubuntu - An ancient African word for "Can't install Debian"
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Titel: RE: Re: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 14.07.2006, 16:44 Uhr

Anmeldung: 27. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 91

Dear mzilikazi,

Thanks for your explanations! And sorry for 'blowing off steam' on my previous post - I cannot claim to have a, shall we say, a 'consistently charming personality' Verlegen

I took your signature as a dig at Debian (specifically its falsely alledged 'hard to install' issue) and not as a dig at Ubuntu (which I intensly dislike). I guess getting pissed did not help my brain functionning this morning Verlegen Mit den Augen rollen

Kind regards,


Motto: chown -R linux:GNU world
Distros: Debian, Kanotix, Frenzy, Damn Small Linux
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13 Titel: RE: Re: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated questions  BeitragVerfasst am: 14.07.2006, 17:28 Uhr

Anmeldung: 05. Okt 2004
Beiträge: 2069
Wohnort: w3
Hm, this is not the first topic these days where emotions went up .... Did we have full moon yesterday? Winken
Anyway, I am happy to see you both communicating again. Smilie

Python in general, and specially wxpython are not really usable in Debian Sid in the moment. Unfortunately this is always the case when Gnome and/or Python are jumping up to the next release. We all hope that it will behave orderly shortly.

Interesting was that you mentioned Ubuntu, because it is actually responsible for this problem. Several important (still) Debian maintainers for Python and Gnome have been hired by Ubuntu some time ago, and since then they decided to do Ubuntu packages first, and Debian packages later. Even worse, they throw depending packages unsorted und spread over weeks directly into Sid, while they should have been collected in experimental before and then moved all together into the Sid repository.

I can't tell you if that is intentionally (to make Sid based distros looking more unstable, and Ubuntu looking more stable), or just because they are tired after their hard payed work for Ubuntu. Who knows?


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Titel: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated quest  BeitragVerfasst am: 15.07.2006, 01:03 Uhr

Anmeldung: 27. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 91

slam hat folgendes geschrieben::
Hm, this is not the first topic these days where emotions went up .... Did we have full moon yesterday? Winken

speaking for myself - I tend to get grumpy in the mornings, in particular when some computer starts acting up Verlegen so I cannot blame the moon Traurig


Motto: chown -R linux:GNU world
Distros: Debian, Kanotix, Frenzy, Damn Small Linux
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Titel: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: three basic and probably unrelated q  BeitragVerfasst am: 15.07.2006, 03:16 Uhr

Anmeldung: 26. Jun 2005
Beiträge: 389

I for one blame the world cup. But then it's because in my part of the world the live telecasts occur at 3 a.m. Smilie. Had a couple of blowups among friends in the last couple of weeks. Things should get better now that it's over... hopefully for the middle east as well.
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