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Titel: Clock set to UTC and can't change it even with root password  BeitragVerfasst am: 06.08.2011, 05:30 Uhr

Anmeldung: 06. Aug 2011
Beiträge: 1

I just installed the latest 32bit version of Kanotix on a friend's PC that I set up to have a multi OS boot.

All other OS use the PC's clock set to local PST -8Hr (for Los Angeles time zone). But when I boot up in Kanotix it resets the PC clock to UTC (8 hours ahead).

In Kanotix when I use the system tools to configure the clock, it properly asks for the root login. But even after I give it, make the changes to Los Angeles time zone and hit apply, I get an unauthorized error (?!?)

The same error happens when I close the app, then reopen it and only want to set the automatic time sync function, when I hit apply, it pukes with that unauthorized error.

I suppose it is not truly big deal except that that clock with the wrong time is in his face all the time, and will likely bug him. Also, any files created will have the wrong time/date on them.

The root password works fine on other parts of the system tools apps. It is just that one time/date system tool that seems to not know I have given the root password and I am allowed to make those changes.

Help please.

HP Media Center m270n Desktop PC
P4 2.8GHz (socket 478 hyper threading)
2Gb PC3200 400MHz DDR ram (1 & 1Gb sticks)
160Gb EIDE hard drive

sda1 winxp 30Gb ntfs
sda2 1Gb swap
sda3 extended partition
sda4 pclinuxos 2011.6 kde 30Gb ext3
sda5 Kanotix 2011.05 Hellfire 30Gb ext3
sda6 Mint 10 kde 30Gb ext3
sda7 1Gb swap
sda8 40Gb file storage ntfs
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Titel: Clock set to UTC and can  BeitragVerfasst am: 06.08.2011, 09:27 Uhr

Anmeldung: 17. Dez 2003
Beiträge: 16791

The best would be using UTC on every install, there is a reg hack for win btw. If you dont want to do that:

sed -i 's/\(^UTC\)=.*/\1=no/' /etc/default/rcS

select timezone using:

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

set correct time (needs internet):


The problem is when the summer time is switched xp will change the clock when not set to utc not matter if the clock was already adjusted or not. thats even more funny with more than 1 win install ona box. btw. osx always resets time to utc.
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