Kanotix IRC Channel
- Access
- Identity/ Nickname registration
- Kanotix IRC Bot
- IRC commands
- Infobash
This article was tested succesfully with the following Kanotix versions:
- Kanotix Excalibur
- Kanotix Hellfire
- Kanotix Dragofire
- Kanotix Spitfire
- Kanotix Steelfire
This article provides basic informations about the usage and some special functions of the Kanotix IRC channel. The channel is part of the IRC network irc.freenode.net under the name #kanotix. (the sharp sign # marks an channel inside the IRC network)
1. Access
You need an IRC client to access the channel. Kanotix's default is the KDE IRC client Konversation but you can use alternative clients too. You only need to enter the correct connection data.
server |
irc.freenode.org (irc.freenode.net works too) |
port |
6667 (via secure SSL connection port 7000) |
channel |
#kanotix |
The easiest way to join the channel is the Kanotix IRC icon. You can find it on top of your desktop.

Choose your desired nickname and you will automaticly join the Kanotix IRC channel. Everything is preconfigured so you don't have to setup connection data.
2. Identity/ Nickname registration
If you want to login always with the same nickname you should register your desired nickname. That nickname must be available. So every nickname that has never been registered or nicknames that has not been used for at least 60 days are available. You can find out that informations via the following command.
Users with registered nicknames should identify themselves when entering the IRC (see IRC commands). Only by identifying the IRC server can determine that a certain nickname is used by a user. Otherway it may happen that your registered nickname expires and is ready for re-registration. If you find an available nickname you can register them via
/ns register <password> <email>
In order to complete registration, you must type the following row
/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER <nickname> <xxxxxxxxxx>
from receive E-Mail enter. Check if the registration was successful with command
You can enter your registered nickname as an identity in Konversation. You can find it in settings menu or open it via
F8 hotkey.

You can enter
nickserv as service for auto identify and your password in the password field. But it is recommend to leave these two fields empty and enter your password for auto identify in the server list details. You cand find it in file menu or open it via
F2 hotkey.

Select the "irc.freenode.org" entry in the upcoming dialog and click edit. In the upcoming window you can enter your password. If you want to submit it via a protected connection enable SSL encryption and select port 7000.
3. Kanotix IRC Bot
Beside the normal users there is a Supybot IRC bot inside the channel. The bot uses the nickname help-me or mileena. With special commands, so called factoids, you can get useful informations from the bot.
All theses commands beginning with “!” followed by the command name. For example the (test-)command !ping returns the following.
<TheOne> !ping
<help-me> pong
There are a lot of more commands like !vbox that gives you step by step instructions how to setup the virtualisation software Virtualbox on your Kanotix machine. You can get a link to a list with all valid commands via !factoids.
4. IRC commands
Here is a small list of some useful IRC commands.
/join <#channel> |
join the channel <#channel> |
/nick <nickname> |
change your nickname to <nickname> |
/ns identify <password> |
to identify your nickname |
/ns ghost nickname <password> |
disconnects an old user session or somebody who is using your nick without auth. |
/ns help [command] |
general help or optional help to a specific command |
/away [AwayMessage] |
marks you as away, optionally with an away message (see /back too) |
/back |
removes away status, same as re-entering /away (without message) |
/me <text> |
write some action, shown as text in the third person e.g. Nick searching for something. |
/leave [#channel] |
leaves the specified channel, or if no channel is specified, leaves the current channel |
/quit [QuitMessage] |
leaves the IRC, optionally with a quite message |
5. Infobash
Every Kanotix has a shell script called infobash. It outputs the most important system information to the shell. Besides the local benefits, it is very helpful to provide rapid and targeted assistance in IRC. It shows your kernel and Kanotix version, your cpu, your graphics card and memory and some additional system parameters.
To invoke the script directly from the IRC client in Konversation it is enough to type
in alternative IRC clients
When using this script on IRC, please remember that it flooded with too frequent use of the channel.
That's it, see you at Kanotix IRC Channel. ;)
Enter the
!commands in the Kanotix IRC Channel
Additional informations are avaible at the two following sites: